Delivery Times

For your convenience, you can view estimated delivery dates and shipping options for individual products by using the "Estimate Delivery Date" link on the product’s page. Simply click the “Estimate Delivery Date” link and enter your shipping zip code, then select Apply. This will pull up shipping options available in your area. Most items over $100.00 qualify for free standard shipping in which we generally allow 5-7 business days for processing and delivery. Please note: If you need faster processing than what is shown in your shipping area, simply call customer service at 1-800-868-9232 to discuss other options.

If your package is time-sensitive, we offer many different shipping options for our customers to choose from such as Priority (3-5 business days), 3-Day , 2 Day , and 1 Day. You can calculate your expedited shipping cost per product on each products page. You can calculate your total shipping cost for your entire order on the shopping cart and checkout pages, where you may select your choice of shipping options.

By calculating an estimated delivery date, you can easily determine what shipping method will best ensure your package gets to the desired location in time.

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